And, exactly WHY would the Whore of Wasilla be resigning, and, perhaps connected and even more, why did she announce it back there, rather than either Juneau or Anchorage?

Palin might be able to block, sidle around, or whatever, on state investigations, but she can’t outrun the feds. If true, I’m dying to read what Bill Kristol will eventually be forced to write.
Max Blumenthal at The Daily Beast has juicy details on SBS, the contractor for both projects, and one with close connections to First Dumbass Todd, not just Sarah.
So, instead of John Ensign and Mark Sanford, she did not get caught with her pants down. Instead, it was with her wallet open.
According to Alaskan TV, July 26 is the effective date.
A good roundup of conservative takes is at the Anchoress, who herself speculates serious family illness.
Almost everybody out of more than two dozen commenters says she’s politically toast. And, that was before this speculation started getting focused.
Note: For more on “The Whore of Wasilla” and other Palin nicknames, head here.
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