SocraticGadfly: Numbed out to a Trump win? Numbed out to climate change?

January 15, 2024

Numbed out to a Trump win? Numbed out to climate change?

I know a lot of Democrats hate themselves some Nate Silver. (I don't know about other leftists, but I myself mock him without thinking he's an object of anything close to actual hatred.)

That said, I think he gets it right — AND not just for himself — when he talks here about being numbed out to a Trump win. Here's the nut sentences, not even a full graf:

Let me state this extremely carefully: emotionally, I’ve accepted this (Trump 2.0) as the default outcome. Rationally, I don’t. ... What I’m getting at emotionally though is that I sense a lot of numbness to the idea of Trump winning another term.

Note that I said above: "not just for himself."

Take someone I kind of like to mock here at times, though not necessarily for the same reason as Brain. That's Charles Kuffner of Off the Kuff. I pick him because I think he's the type of Democrat Silver is thinking of — older but not old, as in old end of Gen X through younger end of Boomers. Fairly informed within the Dem Party. Probably somewhat active, not only with some donations but maybe a little elbow grease, as in someone who has been, say, a precinct captain or in precincts with large Dem numbers, some other precinct level position.

Indeed, Silver heads there next:

Among Democrats, there’s been some denial of Biden’s poor standing in the polls but honestly — as a veteran observer of poll denialism — it’s not been that bad. Even the more optimistic assessments tend to concede that Biden has a big fight ahead of him.

I think a lot of them have the same numbness. (That said, I'm not sure that all that many Dems have really rationally thought through this, and I'm not sure that many have emotionally felt through it, other than the Marc Eliases of the world already ready to gin up the "you really voted for Trump" bullshit toward third party and independent voters.)

That said, they're partially at fault. While not all younger Democrats, or Democrat-leaners, may oppose the proxy war in Ukraine, I think a great many of them, especially those "of color," absolutely oppose #GenocideJoe being just that on Gaza.

Meanwhile, the comments there are "hilarious." Or "disgusting."

Silver talked about four existentialist horsemen that were part of Biden's 2020 campaign. One of them was climate change. In comments, multiple people say "I'm on Team Democrat" even while claiming climate change is "overhyped."

Two words for you: Fuck off.

And, what do you hear from the Kuffs of the world?

For the most part, bupkis.

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