SocraticGadfly: Progressives, national roundup

August 17, 2023

Progressives, national roundup

Duopolist Liza Featherstone (Mrs. Duopolist Doug Henwood) calls out Dear Leader Obama at duopolist Jacobin magazine. What she says is true, but it's from inside a glass house.

Ryan Cooper shows he's not to be taken seriously if he uses the excuse of "China's going to do it if nothing else" to actively push geoengineering. He's not a left-liberal, he's a left-neoliberal solutionist.

Carbonmonger Joe's Department of Energy passed out more than $1 billion in grants for project-level carbon capture plants here in Tex-ass and in Louisiana. DeSmog has more, including the reminder that energy giant Oxy has one of these, as a greenwashing license to drill more oil

Per Ballotpedia, the number of bills about ranked-choice voting, many by duopoly-controlled state legislatures trying to shut down local options, grew a lot this year. MAGA and BlueMAGA know they're hated, and their only response is to try to block the #duopolyexit exits.

Good piece by Al Jazeera about all the countries jockeying for influence with Pacific Island nations.

I did not have "Who is Brandon Phillips for $500, Alex?" on my Democratic challengers to Warmonger Joe Jeopardy Bingo card.

Hand-counting ballots is pricey and still error-laden. And, it's not some elite academics who said that, but Movaje County, Arizona's county government.

RFK Jr.: Anti-abortion rights grifter and liar. And, yeah, Bob, you were lying about misunderstanding the question.

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