SocraticGadfly: If god can't or won't stop school shootings, Texas Lege, how will these guys?

August 01, 2023

If god can't or won't stop school shootings, Texas Lege, how will these guys?

One of both the dumbest AND most unconstitutional bills to come out of this year's Lege?

One permitting unlicensed chaplains to do counseling at public schools. That includes, per the header, trauma counseling after shootings or psychological counseling to find and help troubled kids and prevent them from becoming active shooters.

Per the latter half of that, again, note the word "unlicensed," as in psychologically unlicensed, and if setting themselves up as an independent, non-denominational pastor, not having even one class in pastoral counseling, possibly.

Per the story, state Rep. Cole Hefner (R-Tim Dunn) said that local school boards can set standards. But, wait a minute. Didn't the Lege also pass a bill this year further undermining local control? Didn't the Texas Supremes just rule that Strangeabbott had the legal authority to unilaterally override local mask mandates? Yes and yes.

First, this WILL be a Trojen's horse for evangelizing on campus. And, in schools with non-Christian students, that WILL include guilt-tripping them.

Second, since god can't or won't stop school shootings, what will these chaplains do?

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