SocraticGadfly: What's next for Colorado River Compact states?

April 15, 2023

What's next for Colorado River Compact states?

Jumping a level above BuRec, Team Biden's Interior Department released an environmental analysis Tuesday that's pushing the states toward working on more water use cuts. The analysis itself doesn't propose a specific route to get there, though. 

And, after BuRec's Camille Touton threatened a banhammer last year, the six non-California states released one plan, only for California to release another a day later. (Oh, for the glory decades past, when Cal would try to pick off one or more Upper Basin states.)

NM Political Report has more, noting this is within a context of the feds wanting to revise the 2007 "minutes" about Glen Canyon and Hoover dams. Of key note is that the feds will not (currently) prioritize Powell over Mead or Mead over Powell. And, of course there's no plan to decommission Glen Canyon Dam because DC won't put a price tag out there.

Since the fake banhammer, but before the big winter snows, the seven states engaged in more sound and fury, while Yale Climate proposed an "interesting" tech-neoliberal based partial solution.

Realistically, since the Interior analysis includes a "do nothing" option, this is a mix of CYA and performance theater.

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