SocraticGadfly: Texas Progressives talk Matthew Kacsmaryk

April 18, 2023

Texas Progressives talk Matthew Kacsmaryk

This is a pullout from the regular Texas Progs because both Kuff and I talked about him this week and there's other news as well.


Add Matthew Kacsmaryk to the list of Rethuglican federal judicial candidates who have lied in some way before Congressional hearings. Also add this, if the statute of limitations hasn't expired, to the list of things that Merrick Garland could seemingly investigate but won't.

Off the Kuff goes deep on mifepristone madness. And, of course, we know who started that.

SocraticGadfly wonders if, based on his nutter ruling on mifepristone, Kacsmaryk couldn't try banning COVID vaccines next, as well as wondering if antivaxxers aren't headed there.

Steve Vladeck
 brings the law professor's analysis of the mifepristone mishigoss.

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