First, though, let me remind that #TheResistance team of one thing — that John McCain earned indeed every one of those titles. And yet, in my friends of friends circles and observations, has been Twitter-deified more than anybody since ActualFlatticus.
And with that, off to Twitter! In no particular order, but mainly focused on the DC divinizing demagoguery, here we go, while noting I have a related poll, in case it doesn't embed:
Time for a second poll of the day!#TheResistance is as black-and-white, and as stereotypical, in its thinking about BOTH domestic politics and foreign relations as is the #TrumpTrain.— @realDonaldTrump 🌻 (@SocraticGadfly) September 1, 2018
Second, and having Tweeted along these lines more than once, the inside-the-Beltway stenos are responsible for much of this:
Ah, Chris, that's why the Peter Principle runs more rampant in the media than in almost any other profession in America. The inside-the-Beltway stenos are ushers at the #McCainMemorial and #McCainFuneral— @realDonaldTrump 🌻 (@SocraticGadfly) September 1, 2018
Speaking of, this is probably being eyed as a gravy train by said stenos, #TheResistance, or both:
Ed, wait til this entire #McCainMemorial comes out in book form. Somebody from #TheResistance will offer it up for, oh, about $39.95 #snark!— @realDonaldTrump 🌻 (@SocraticGadfly) September 1, 2018
And, let's throw a particular member of said group under the bus. I've seen her retweeted a lot. Especially after actually looking through her feed, gad she's overrated:
I had no idea until reading through her Twitter feed that that RVAWonk (subtweet) is that nutbar member of #TheResistance. Saluting BOTH John McCain and the White Helmets is Grade A cluelessness. Doing both in 12 hours is heavy shit.— @realDonaldTrump 🌻 (@SocraticGadfly) September 1, 2018
It's disgusting enough #TheResistance is turd-polishing John Sidney McCain III. Even worse is the butt-kissing of George Shrub Bush. The necromancing of the Prince of the Living Undead, though, by #TheResistance is simply beyond the pale:
I had no idea until reading through her Twitter feed that that RVAWonk (subtweet) is that nutbar member of #TheResistance. Saluting BOTH John McCain and the White Helmets is Grade A cluelessness. Doing both in 12 hours is heavy shit.— @realDonaldTrump 🌻 (@SocraticGadfly) September 1, 2018
Of course, some members of that team have been long-time professional Democrats:
Joe Lieberman tells John McCain mourners at the #McCainMemorial that McCain will indeed get one ardent desire of his fulfilled. He will be cremated and his ashes will be dropped on Tehran to "bomb, bomb Iran."— @realDonaldTrump 🌻 (@SocraticGadfly) September 1, 2018
Mullah over that!
That said, shouldn't John Sidney prove, at least to his heiress widow Cindy, that he is in fact now divine, ruling with the other Caesars?
It's been at least three days, right? I am waiting for John McCain to rise from the dead and turn water into Budweiser for Hensley & Co.— @realDonaldTrump 🌻 (@SocraticGadfly) September 1, 2018
Don't forget that the DC hagiography had a warm-up act back in Phoenix.
I didn't forget on Twitter, after all, using the chance to throw others under the bus. Like JoePa Biden:
My name's Joe Biden.— @realDonaldTrump 🌻 (@SocraticGadfly) August 30, 2018
"I'm a Democrat.
"And I love John McCain."
"And I also love driving you into credit-card induced bankruptcy, then making it harder for you to get out."
"That's a big fucking deal, isn't it?"
And Westboro Baptist Church:
Hey, did Westboro Baptist show up at North Phoenix Baptist Church for the John McCain funeral?— @realDonaldTrump 🌻 (@SocraticGadfly) August 30, 2018
And, yes, that is throwing them under the bus, for apparently being too chicken to extend their level of tasteless out here. After all, Sidney did eventually mellow enough on his anti-gay marriage stance that he should have been a target.
Even before the funeral, of course, the Schmuck Talk Express was lauded as a human rights advocate. Setting aside all the ways I listed up top that he was not a human rights advocate within the US of A, let's look elsewhere.
Like India:
John McCain, friend of Hindu fundamentalists. Human rights supporter, really?— @realDonaldTrump 🌻 (@SocraticGadfly) August 30, 2018
Famous literati needed to be reminded of this, of course:
.@StephenKing That was the same McCain who, five years after the 2008 campaign, called non-Arab Iranian President Ahmadinejad a "monkey." And, would probably have tried to declare war on Iran if elected.— @realDonaldTrump 🌻 (@SocraticGadfly) August 26, 2018
And lover of the human rights of Ukrainian neo-Nazis he was pictured with:
Wow just holy shit, America.— Kamala Harris is a Cop (@BethLynch2020) August 28, 2018
And remembering further his valiant support for domestic human rights:
What McCain did in 2008 was ugly and wrong. In a live debate, he presented a racist conspiracy theory in which Barack Obama and ACORN were conniving to steal the election and defraud American democracy.— Zach Carter (@zachdcarter) August 26, 2018
In which Dear Leader, #TheResistance popular vote president emeritus, ultimately joined:
Zack is right about this portion of the racially sleazy legacy of John McCain, on ACORN, on lies vs truth on subprime mortgages, more. At the same time, let us also note that Dear Leader folded his own cards on ACORN when confronted like this, just as he did on Shirley Sherrod.— @realDonaldTrump 🌻 (@SocraticGadfly) August 26, 2018
And with that, let's just tack back to throwing #TheResistance further underneath the wheels of the Schmuck Talk Express:
Hmm, maybe this is WHY #TheResistance is so fond of the War Talk Express, John McCain.— @realDonaldTrump 🌻 (@SocraticGadfly) August 27, 2018
And here, via retweet, as I had nothing to add:
I just knew someone would fulfill my prediction of ultimate #Russiagate stupidity— Winkle the BernieBro🌹 (@the_bernie_bro) August 28, 2018
You can always find real nuts on every end of the spectrum no matter what issue
And back to the Beltway stenos for good measure:
You know one other good thing about John McCain passing? The inside the Beltway stenographers are being further exposed for their lack of credibility as they suck up to his memory with packs of lies and legends.— @realDonaldTrump 🌻 (@SocraticGadfly) August 26, 2018
Had enough? Well, you should be sick of #TheResistance and #TheBeltwayStenos, not me. Besides, I didn't even mention Meghan McCain or Sarah Palin, among others.
If you haven't had enough, follow my blog, follow me on Twitter, or both.
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