SocraticGadfly: Prop. 23 - The final failure of early 20th-century Progressivism?

September 11, 2010

Prop. 23 - The final failure of early 20th-century Progressivism?

The Big Oil-funded Proposition 23 in California, if it succeeds, may well spell the end to early 20th century Gov. Hiram Johnson's three-legged stool of progressive reforms of a century ago. Andrew Leonard has some thoughts on this proposition itself, but doesn't carry his reasoning nearly far enough.

It's clear that all three of the three legs of Hiram Johnson's stool of initiative, referendum and recall are broken.

The Davis fiasco (thank doorknob Issa wasn't elected to replace him) showed Big Money could corrupt recalls.

The initiative process has already long been corrupted.

And, as Prop. 23 is a referendum on previous state actions, not just an initiative, it looks like that third leg is about to disintegrate, too.

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