SocraticGadfly: Voluntary payments for online news? Surrree.....

December 29, 2009

Voluntary payments for online news? Surrree.....

The Miami Herald thinks it can get online readers to dump money in its cyber-tip jar. I doubt.

First, wire stories are available anywhere, so why pay for them anyway?

Second, will local news and sports gin up that much interest?

Third, per one commenter to this news, if the payment system is complex (even if this guy is shamelessly flogging his own PayPal-interactive program), people will stay away anyway.

The one way this might work is, if like Salon and a few other magazines once tried (then abandoned) is to promise readers fewer, or no, ads, for online contributions above a certain size.

Of course, the real way to do that is with online subscriptions.

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