SocraticGadfly: An ‘anti-theft drug’? Is it ‘Brave New World’?

April 02, 2009

An ‘anti-theft drug’? Is it ‘Brave New World’?

I’ve often said that the 20th century produced two truly prescient social novels.

One, of course, is “1984.” The other? “Brave New World.”

And, it what sounds like a bit of “Brave New World” mashed up with Wal-Mart, researchers at the University of Minnesota claim an already-extant anti-addiction drug can reduce the urge to steal.

Naltrexone, already known to limit urges in the case of addiction to some drugs, alcohol and compulsive gambling, was given to 25 reportedly habitual thieves.

Seriously, though, what if naltrexone has this effect, and aerial application of it does?

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