SocraticGadfly: GOP does Obama a favor; Kamiya gives him too much slack

February 10, 2009

GOP does Obama a favor; Kamiya gives him too much slack

That’s the latest thesis on Salon from Gary Kamiya who opines that when the Congressional GOP “spit in his face” over not compromising an inch on the economic stimulus bill, it “actually (did) Obama a favor, saved him from his worst compromising instincts.”

That said, I think Kamiya, with his claim that one can no more be “a little bit liberal” than “a little bit pregnant,” is himself doing B.O. no favors.

The whole principle of Clinton-Obama-DLC neoliberalism is that you CAN be “just a little bit liberal,” or at least pretend to be well enough to fool 51 percent of the voters all the time, all the voters you need 51 percent of the time, or whatever.

And, per Kamiya, if Obama is by nature nonconfrontational, then he’s the wrong person to be president right now, as far as doing what Kamiya says needs to be done via much of the GOP.

He put his “compromise stimulus” on the table in advance, like showing his cards; you really expect this man to change?

The clubby collegiality of the Illinois Legislature is actually something bad, in a sense. Other state legislatures can be the same way at times, and at times, people just can’t make the transition to a higher-level office.

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