SocraticGadfly: Obama has no excuse now not to prosecute BushCo war crimes

January 15, 2009

Obama has no excuse now not to prosecute BushCo war crimes

But he won’t, anyway

President-elect Barack Obama’s Attorney General-designee, Eric Holder told Congress today that waterboarding is torture and that we prosecuted it in the past as a war crime.

Military commissions overseer Susan J. Crawford said we tortured Mohammad Qahtani in other ways.

We’re a signatory to, conventions against torture that are now, per the Constitution that Barack Obama will swear to preserve and protect next Tuesday, the “law of the land.”

So, no excuses. Other than being Just.Another.Politician.™

I’m not going to repost the petition to get Obama to appoint a special prosecutor. It’s clear that he won’t do it. It’s clear he can’t be shamed into doing it. It’s clear that he wants to keep at least some of the expanded presidential power that Bush arrogated to himself.

Therefore, it’s clear he will NOT prosecute, or even look into prosecuting, former executive branch individuals in this area.

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