SocraticGadfly: Supremes heart Navy, hate whales

November 12, 2008

Supremes heart Navy, hate whales

In a 5-4 split yesterday, the Supreme Court overruled lower-level courts and lifted restrictions on Navy long-range sonar use. The sonar has been shown to cause a number of problems for whaes.

Chief John Roberts said the appellate court ruling didn’t cite any of such problems and otherwise, that the court, and the original district court, abused their discretion. It also appears Roberts and the other four on his side took at face value the Navy’s claim to use such sonar as much as it does. (The original ruling was just to restrict, not ban, such sonar.)

Roberts also ignored the fact that the lower courts pointed out the Navy never bothered to conduct an environmental impact statement. That’s why timber groups were among the folks filing amicus briefs on behalf of the Navy.

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