SocraticGadfly: ASK ME —

January 20, 2008


To be asked,
Isn’t that part of what we want from being loved?
To be asked about who we are and what we’re becoming,
What we’re doing and what’s happening in our lived?
To be asked about our hopes, dreams, fears and frustrations,
Our sorrows and joys, our loves and angers?
Isn’t that part of what love is about,
To be asked rather than to have to tell everything ourselves,
To have someone who wants to know us, and about us,
Someone curious, interested and desirous?

I’m looking for someone,
A special woman,
Compatible in interests, thoughts, mindset and more
Shared ideals and dreams,
Attractive in all the ways,
Psychologically and emotionally available,
And, who asks about me,
And encourages me to ask about her.

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