SocraticGadfly: With inanity like this, the U.S. won’t necessarily have to worry about the E.U. so much

December 13, 2007

With inanity like this, the U.S. won’t necessarily have to worry about the E.U. so much

The new European Union reform treaty was signed in Lisbon, Portugal, due to Portuguese vanity, despite an EU requirement that all such treaties be signed in Brussels, Belgium.

So, the E.U. will have a “re-do” signing ceremony in Brussels. Portugal had the rotating presidency of the E.U. and insisted the treaty be signed there. Meanwhile, E.U. government is itself split, with its parliament meeting in both Brussels and Strasbourg, France.

We’ll also see just how serious the E.U. is about global warming if/when it agrees to tackle/eliminate some of these redundancies.

In any case, while the E.U. rightfully regulates business in a way the U.S. doesn’t, it will hamstring itself with stuff like this.

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