SocraticGadfly: Both Clarence Thomas and Al Sharpton need to admit and recognize this

October 10, 2007

Both Clarence Thomas and Al Sharpton need to admit and recognize this

There is no such thing as “one black America,” writes columnist Eugene Robinson. Beyond the obvious fact that black conservatives (conservative on everything except the need for affirmative action, at least) are far more than museum curiosities (Clarence Thomas, who pulls the affirmative action ladder back up after him, IS a museum curiosity), it’s good for black, white, Hispanic and Asian America to all admit this, And celebrate it.

Blacks may remain the most politically monolithic ethnic group for some time, as well as the most religious one. But, it hurts Democrats to take them for granted as voters, and especially through things such as vote suppression in poor minority areas (which could still backfire with conservative blacks of conscience), it hurts Republicans to take them for granted as voters in the other direction. It encourages vote-targeting social Balkanization by candidates of both parties, especially at the Presidential level.

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