SocraticGadfly: George Bush, the moron or liar of Peak Oil denial

September 04, 2006

George Bush, the moron or liar of Peak Oil denial

Bush says it’s not Peak Oil or anything related in world oil supply that has driven prices up. No, it’s simply, or simplistically, that ‘they don’t like us.’
“The problem is we get oil from some parts of the world and they simply don't like us,” Bush said. “And so the more dependent we are on that type of energy, the less likely it will be that we are able to compete, and so people have good, high-paying jobs.”

Let me see, Saudi Arabia who buys billions of dollars of our arms and has incestuous corporate relations with BushCo associates, doesn’t like us? Kazakhstan, where we wink at President Nazarbayev literally boiling people in oil and we make not a peep about human rights? Kuwait, where we pulled their bacon out of the fire 15 years ago? Mexico, where we let their illegal immigrants flood our borders?

Oh, yes, “they simply don’t like us.” What a moron, or liar, not that those two are mutually exclusive.

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