SocraticGadfly: BushCo finally owns up to reality of global warming, well, sort of

May 05, 2006

BushCo finally owns up to reality of global warming, well, sort of

The Gray Lady reports:
A scientific study commissioned by the Bush administration concluded yesterday that the lower atmosphere was indeed growing warmer and that there was ‘clear evidence of human influences on the climate system.’

Of course, BushCo immediately played that down.
White House officials noted that this was just the first of 21 assessments planned by the federal Climate Change Science Program, which was created by the administration in 2002 to address what it called unresolved questions.

Knowing BushCo and the No. 2 OilSlimeBlack Eminence, those remaining studies will be done oh, about 2020 if this administration can help it.

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