SocraticGadfly: It’s a sad day for Texas, and certainly not a gay one

November 08, 2005

It’s a sad day for Texas, and certainly not a gay one

We became the 19th state to ban same-sex marriage. And, we did it with a constitutional amendment that, contrary to what the Religious Right claims, does appear to also ban same-sex civil unions. Arguably, it could be used to ban domestic benefits for heterosexual partners.

Plus, the Religious Right in Texas and elsewhere is fighting the tide of demographics. The younger people get, the more likely they are to favor not only homosexual civil unions, but full-blown gay and lesbian marriage.

Well, there are comedic benefits, perhaps. Maybe we won’t have to parse rumors or body language of Little Ricky Helmethair and former state officials, while perhaps inventing snarky new comments about Little Ricky and Long John Corny.

Dallas County did, relatively speaking, live up to its reputation of being one of the more liberal areas of Texas. (Yes, you read that right.) Proposition 2 passed here by only 2-1 rather than 3-1

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