SocraticGadfly: 'You Gentiles'

August 09, 2021

'You Gentiles'

Shit, I hadn't even heard of the book with that name until this Mondoweiss piece.

And, no, unlike "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," it's not a Poe. It's by an early 1900s hardcore Zionist who makes boatloads of goy stereotype of Jews come to life. No, really; per Mondoweiss, it's so bad that antisemites in general and outright white nationalists have been among those republishing it.

Per the Zionism of founder Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia sanitizes the shit out of what the book is about. (I addressed that; we'll see if the changes stick.)

After a recent biography of him, pointing out a couple of his works I'd not read, I saw that Walter Kaufmann held some of these same stereotypes after affirming his ancestral Judaism. So, these waters (though I never read the word "Zionism" from Kaufmann's pen) weren't so unique.

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