SocraticGadfly: More HuffPuff boo-hoo

March 02, 2011

More HuffPuff boo-hoo

They're crying again about not getting a cut of Arianna's $350M from AOL.

Actually, one of her paid honchos has it about right. Mario Ruiz, the Senior Vice President of Media Relations at the Huffington Post, said:
"The vast majority of our bloggers understand the value of having a platform that reaches a very large audience. People blog on HuffPost for free for the same reason they go on cable TV shows every night for free – because they are passionate about their ideas, want them to be heard by the largest possible audience, and understand the value that that kind of visibility can bring."

"Our bloggers can choose to write for HuffPost – or not write for HuffPost," he continued. "They can write as often as like they like or as little as they like. It’s both wrong and offensive to insist that HuffPost is exploiting journalists."
It's vanity blogging.

And, as for the Newspaper Guild joining in the moaning? Hey your owners and mine screwed up on the Internet going on 15 years ago. Crying for HuffPuffers won't change that.

And, they irony, and more, is that this story is on a free news aggregator website. Get a fucking clue, Newspaper Guild!

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