SocraticGadfly: Third party news roundup, Oct. 11

October 12, 2024

Third party news roundup, Oct. 11

Although Claudia de la Cruz will be my protest vote within a protest vote, her campaign never responded to me asking by email why she had yet to register to attend a third-party candidate forum, the Free and Equal Elections Debate, to which she had been invited. Other than travel costs from NYC to LA, it's FREE exposure! 

Hey, Claudia? The few bucks I might have given you personally or PSL? Maybe not.

I emailed a second time. We'll see if I hear back.

(Hey, Cort Greene? In 2028, I COULD vote for the SWP cultist party. But won't.)

Next, though I'm protesting against Jill Stein, the Abandon Harris movement, formerly Abandon Biden, has officially endorsed her. That's unlike Lexie Zeidan and fellow DSA Rosey shitheads at the "Uncommitted" movement, whom I originally called "Abandon Biden" but who have no actual connection to any "Abandon" movement. They're "committed" — to keep supporting genocide.

The Democraps are doubling down on the "A vote for Stein is a vote for Trump" bullshit. You don't own my vote, as I said in 2016 and spelled out in 2020 (with a GP skeptical analysis) so fuck off. Reminder: Even in a swing state like Georgia with a large Libertarian Party, you never hear Rethuglicans doing this.


Update: For Cort Greene and any SWP cultists he drags here in his train? 

First, there are plenty more things in life to focus on than intra-Trot fights, Trot vs Tankie fights, Trot vs Maoist fights, or pseudo-Trot Zionist fights against all of the above! Remember, that's who today's SWP is. As for Cort's Fashbusters, given that the "about" page really doesn't have anything about it, the simplest conclusion is that it's SWP fellow-travelers/front-group/entryism project. I still haven't forgotten about entryism, dude.

Second, one can oppose what China is doing in Xinjiang, and in Tibet, AND oppose US foreign policy spinning on it AND oppose American stanners for Beijing like Max Blumenthal. Not hard to do.

Third, one can express legitimate concerns about Iran, while calling out blind hatred of Iran that's driven by Zionism.

Fourth, back to the start of the first point? Go hiking. Take a walk in your city park, or in a state or national recreation area. Watch butterflies. Cook something, like a frittata. I've done all in the past four days. In other words, get a life.


Cort Greene said...

The anti-fascist group “Fashbusters” actually did the original expose of Singham’s financing of the “left”, back in 2021. Clearly, we are talking about big bucks here.

Cort Greene said...

This is the 2020 tax filing for the People’s Support Foundation (PSF). It shows net assets of $158.4 million. That is a lot of money for a non-profit. While the tax filings don’t show the source of the money, we know that this foundation is connected to Singham. Note that Jodie Evans of Code Pink, who is also married to Singham, is the president and director of this foundation. PSF also made donations ranging from $10,000 to $600,000 to the People’s Welfare Association totaling over several million dollars.

Cort Greene said...

Medea Benjamin reported back on one of those tours in 2019. Note that she is generally defensive of that regime. Also note that Sonali Kolhatkar never challenged Medea Benjamin on this. She, too, is an enabler of the Putinized “left”.

Cort Greene said...

For years, Code Pink ran tours of Iran that were organized in conjunction with that reactionary regime. Now, they are promoting a similar tour of China.

Cort Greene said...

In January of 2022, antifascist Alexander Reid Ross co-authored this article on Singham’s role in denying the fact of Chinese genocide against the Uighur minority, which has a long history of repression in China. The article also gives background on Singham, including a diagram that shows his connections, connections with new-nazis like Manuel Ochsenreiter, and more.

Gadfly said...

I actually published all five of yours, Cort (don't count on that again) because I agree in part on some, find some interesting, but reject the backstory on some. I'll tackle one issue first.

Uyghurs? I've talked plenty in this space about Beijing committing cultural genocide, the slave and semi-slave workers camps, etc. So have other GOOD leftists. Cory Doctorow springs to mind immediately. So has the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.

Note that I said "cultural genocide. I don't see anything that says China is committing an actual genocide.

Gadfly said...

Iran? Code Pink's ties to it are "interesting" at most. I suspect Cort, you in particular, and the Socialist Workers Party in general, ultimately hate Iran because of ...

Wait for it, wait for it ...


Be very unsurprised if I don't publish any response by you there.

Meanwhile, go read about Mossadegh.

Gadfly said...

The other stuff? All ties to your hatred of any split-offs from the OLD-time SWP, the "Marcyite tendency" etc. You also hate CodePink's and PSL's ties to ANSWER because of ANSWER's anti-Zionism. (ANSWER works with folks like Jewish Voice for Peace, so put that in your pipe and puff it.) That's the bottom line to most your butt-hurtness on most these posts. And, "Putinized left"? Various leftists from Greens further left can say we shouldn't have provoked Putin on Ukraine. Various rightists have also said that.

Do I agree with every stance in the world that Code Pink takes? No. Do I use those I disagree with to foster cheap attacks on it? No.

Do I laugh at those who DO do this (need a mirror?) because of Zionism? Absolutely, and don't expect to get a response published on this one.