SocraticGadfly: Rahm swimming over his head? Or his boss?

March 04, 2010

Rahm swimming over his head? Or his boss?

Joe Conason postulates too intellectually, and chess-politically, as well, deep of waters is why President Barack Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel hasn't been giving the MSM surrogate-leaked puff pieces about himself recently.
What is probably the dismal truth about his stewardship of the Obama vessel can be found toward the end of last August’s Times story, which showed the chief of staff steering without any rudder of principle, and playing captain in policy and political waters too deep for him.

That said, is The One afraid of Rahmbo? Unsure whom he could find to replace him? Bamboozled by Rahm?

What Conason doesn't explore is that, perhaps, some of what he says about Rahm, and not just because Rahm leaks such ideas — is true about Rahm's boss, too.

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