SocraticGadfly: The Gadfly slate for 2024 races

October 21, 2024

The Gadfly slate for 2024 races

You've already seen my "Vote the Commie" for president, so we'll tackle other races here, with brief explainers.

Statewide races

Senate: Write-in Tracey Andrus. There's no Green, and Colin Allred is a ConservaDem in general and a genocide supporter in particular. Andrus is "interesting," but that is better than undervoting.

U.S. House, Dist. 26: Ernest Lineberger III may indeed be Ernest. He's environmentally minded enough to drive a Prius. But, his appeal to faith? That floats my boat no more from Democrats than Republicans, even if he's an ELCA Lutheran (I presume) rather than LCMS. And, teh Google says I presumed wrong. He's one of a minority of LCMS Lutherans to be Democrat. There's no Green, no write-in, and while Phil Gray seems to be a generic non-Mises Mice Libertarian, he is a Libertarian. Undervote.

Railroad Commission: Green Eddie Espinoza.

Statewide judicial races: None of the Democrats are ConservaDems, and state courts don't address federal issues, so vote the Democrats. Beyond that, Court of Criminal Appeals Rethuglicans refuse to follow the state's junk science law in cases like Robert Roberson. I mean, it's only 11 years old. When your own party in the state House is exasperated?

Regional races:

SBOE District 12: George King, the Democrat, is a public school teacher. Enough said. Vote him, even if he engages in a high level of veneration for the U.S. Constitution.

State Senate District 30: Dale Frey as the Democrat looks solid. Vote him.

State House District 68: Incumbent Republican David Spiller, while a Paxton impeachment manager, was a flip-flopper on vouchers in Abbott's last special session. In addition to being a wingnut Republican, the flip-flop is an additional issue. Democrat Stacey Swann is running on that issue.

Second Court of Appeals? All unchallenged Rethuglicans. Congrats to Texas Democrats for not running more candidates.

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