SocraticGadfly: Looking forward AND backward and assaulting civil liberties

April 16, 2010

Looking forward AND backward and assaulting civil liberties

Yessir, when it comes to snooping on you and I the general American public, Team Obama, led by Der Schnoopenfueher himself, wants to have it both ways.

It wants to look forward in being worse than BushCo in warrantless e-mail snooping, while, despite Der Schnoopenfueher's claims to not want to look backwards, it's looking backward indeed in prosecuting a government leaker. The Times story doesn't name who it is, but via a Glenn Greenwald link, you can learn it's one Thomas Drake.

Oh, articles apparently based on the leaking won several national journalism awards. That's how bad the leaked crap was, AND how necessary it was to be leaked. It was apparently about the NSA's fucked-up, and hugely costly, Trailblazer program.

Hell, the NYT is even officially swatting Obama on the hand on the snooping issue — from ANOTHER court case.

Fuck you, Obama.

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