SocraticGadfly: Texas Progressives talk power, climate, more

June 26, 2024

Texas Progressives talk power, climate, more

Texas electricity needs could nearly double in six years. Wait for: More attacks on renewables by wingnuts. Blackouts and brownouts. Don't wait for: Texas asking to once again (it did many decades ago) join the national grid.

Don't believe the lies of the farm industry. Global ag, namely, global animal ag, is a BIG part of climate change. Unfortunately, the G7 (like the last global climate summit) refuses to do anything.

Off the Kuff notes Greg Abbott's appointments to a new set of courts intended to avoid Democratic judges for as long as possible.  

SocraticGadfly has an initial look at that new Liberal Party spinning off the fraying Libertarian Party.

Sylvia Gonzales can pursue her retribution lawsuit. Good.

Texas Ethics Commission says influencers have to tell the public when they're being paid for political influencing. Question: How will this toothless group enforce that?

Kerry Max Cook is innocent.

Contra Kos, we here still distinguish between transsexual and transgender.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project says don’t let the right gaslight you from the clear as day threats they are making. 

The Texas Signal reports on anti-abortion centers, formerly referred to as crisis pregnancy centers.  

Frank Strong is on the scene for the latest book ban shenanigans, this time in Conroe. 

The Fort Worth Report writes about the latest megachurch sex offender, Robert Morris.

A would-be religious public school that tried to sneak in the charter school back door has been ruled unconstitutional at the state level. In Oklahoma, often more wingnut than Tex-ass.

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