SocraticGadfly: PRO Gainesville appeals to Supreme Court as ACLU TX and ACLU national keep lying

June 28, 2024

PRO Gainesville appeals to Supreme Court as ACLU TX and ACLU national keep lying

What is up with these stubborn Dum Fuqs, who are clearly in the wrong. (More below.)

ACLU and ACLU of Texas have filed a petition for certiorari with the Supreme Court, as well as asking for a stay for their clients, three members of PRO Gainesville, an anti-Confederate statue and pro-Black Lives Matter organization in Gainesville, Texas ...

Over a MISDEMEANOR conviction.

You heard that right. A CLASS B misdemeanor. 

Where they were in the wrong, per the ACLU's own pamphlet on protests and marches.

They appealed to the state's Seventh Circuit. And lost.

Then to the CCA. And got their hats handed to them.

And now this.


They won't get granted cert, and the request for a stay on their whole seven days of jail time will be ignored. SCOTUS just today rejected Steve Bannon's request for a stay and these folks are a flyspeck compared to him.

And, at some point after that, the PRO Gainesville trio MAY (or still may not) realize they've been led down a garden path.

And, if not? They'll probably distill the ACLU Kool-Aid to Everclear strength and chug harder.


That said? Really, this isn't even about PRO Gainesville any more.

No, you say?

No, I say.

It's about fundraising for the ACLU of Texas and national.

I've seen this dog and pony before. About 15 years ago, Center for Biological Diversity was sued after claiming a dirt parking area was actually a western rancher's denuded federal grazing allotment. CBD had multiple chances to settle before the suit went to trial. It consistently refused. And got it ass handed back.

Why? That is, why didn't CBD settle?

Because the battle made for great fundraising. 

Just like Alison Grinter, the original lawyer here, talking about the "three kids." Look at the poor kids, being attacked by the big bad (red state wingnut) gummint. (And, ignoring that the city of Gainesville had already moved its Confederate monument.)

With the ACLU, this opens up again the question of whether it is in part making itself into "just another" liberal interest group along with, or partially instead of, being a civil liberties outfit.

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