SocraticGadfly: Presidential update, June 27

June 27, 2024

Presidential update, June 27

Whether she's formally Mises Mice or just alt-white nutters within the Libertarian Party, Ricki Schlott (no shit Ricki?) opined in the New York Post about why they hated LP nominee Chase Oliver. Good old Kraut last name; the German-Americans who haven't broken hardest for Trump of any White ethnic group are breaking hard for general nuttery.

Non Mice Libertarians should, IMO, applaud the general idea of defund the police. The drag queen stuff is typical alt-right bullshit. And, her Twitter? Her handle "@" when you click to respond? All caps. Shock me.

Worse, per her website? An Eastern elitist prep school attendee. Quillette and Dairy Wire? My guess, whichever side of that exact coin she falls on, is correct.

And, it was seen via IPR, where Nutter Nuña called the Post a "leftist gutter rag." I asked him rhetorically if Der Stürmer would be OK. And, the Nutter went with the Nazis were socialist, cuz national socialism is their name angle. Truly in nutbar territory.


"Biden didn't win, Trump lost." That sentiment, by one anonymous Democrat, about the 2020 campaign is why many, mainly anonymous, Democratic operatives are worried about #GenocideJoe's re-election campaign so far. Of course, beyond the basics, Axios doesn't mention why Biden's lost young voters, especially of color. You and I know it's in part due to that hashtag. And, anony-mice in the Dem party don't want to talk about that, either.


Democrats are still "at it." Look at this quote:

“The threat is real and growing by the day, and we have to mobilize now before it’s too late,” said MoveOn Political Action Executive Director Rahna Epting in a statement. “Democrats have ignored third-party threats in past presidential elections to their own peril. It is up to us to come together to protect our communities against Donald Trump, RFK Jr., Jill Stein, and the MAGA Republican agenda.”

As an independent leftist, it certainly reads to me like Stein, as well as Brainworm Bobby, are being lumped as MAGAts.


Yesterday on Twitter, BlueAnons were butt-hurt by Nate Silver's projections of Trump having a leg up. But why? Why the butt-hurt? Dear Leader has made it ever more clear, including through media leaks, that HE is worried. I seriously see a Hillary Clinton 2.0 going on here.


And a few sub-presidential tidbits.

Presumably Victor Miller is seeking the help of artificial intelligence because he has no real intelligence?

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