SocraticGadfly: Israel and Genocide Joe updates

June 25, 2024

Israel and Genocide Joe updates

Genocide Joe has written Israel a new blank check, this one for attacking Hezbullah in Lebanon. And #BlueAnon will still continue to claim it owns my vote.

That said, the Joint Chiefs now say we probably can't help there militarily. Gen. Charles Q. Brown added that Iran would likely more directl8y support Hezbullah than it has indirectly supported Hamas and warned Israel away from going too far. Will this word make Bbie pout more or less than he has recently:

Prime Minister Netanyahu told Channel 14 on Sunday night that Israel is open to a diplomatic resolution to the Hezbollah threat, but he stressed, “It must be on our terms.”

That's Bibi: Hold my breath like a toddler if I don't get my way.

I already know not to trust Hillel beyond its hasbara frontin face. Here's more: It's funding of the org that's the chief agency for spying on pro-Palestinian college students.

Genocide Joe and the Democratic National Committee have made it official on a "virtual" roll-call nomination, in an attempt to avoid Chicago 2024 becoming Chicago 1968. (It also avoids Genocide Joe screwing up an acceptance speech before a live audience.)

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