SocraticGadfly: Texas Progressives talk runoffs and more

June 05, 2024

Texas Progressives talk runoffs and more

Kenny Boy is abusing Texas' consumer protection laws to investigate GoFundMe if it has the "wrong" fundraisers, along with many other such shenanigans. And, of course, his office refused to talk about it to ProPublica.

Speaking of ProPublica, in a look at the Michigan GOP, it shows this isn't even Trump's party any more. Trump-tapped candidates will lose primaries or non-primary elections for party offices and other things if they're not nutters enough.

Washington State has a law barring convicted felons from running for office. Trump's appeal, per details of the law at that link, surely won't be adjudicated until after November. He had about zero chance of winning there anyway, but it still frees up Biden resources for elsewhere and could be a downballot lead anchor for Republicans. (The political reality of Trump's conviction in general, contra Kuff's proposed intro, for this week's Roundup, will be discussed tomorrow.)

Off the Kuff reacted to the Democratic primary runoffs and the possible election redo from 2022.

Yes, Israel is committing genocide; ergo, the US is abetting genocide. BlueAnons like Kuff surely wish this would just go away. It won't.

Speaking of, at UT, Jewish students are dividing more sharply between Zionist and anti-Zionist. Bet Kuff has nothing about that, either.

Did anybody expect anything other than the actual ruling on abortion by the Texas Supreme Court? That said, I don't know what "broader challenge" would capture Justice Brett Busby's fancy.

Mike Morath goes shilling for fundagelical Christians trying to take over state school curricula. First, Mike, stop lying. Second, Mike, this won't make the likes of Wilks and Dunn any more favorable.

The Texas Secretary of State's office admits that legislation last year lessens ballot secrecy, but some election conspiracy wingnuts want it that way.

SocraticGadfly offers his latest round of thoughts on the possibility of the Presidential race going to the House.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project said we should not normalize misery & we must demand our elected officials address the root causes of misery. 

The Eyewall considers possible scenarios in which this year's hurricane season won't suck so much. 

The Texas Signal presents a brief history of Pride in Texas.  

Equality Texas celebrates the HD146 runoff results. Progress Texas compiled a list of Pride events for you. 

 Law Dork reminds us that Justice Sam Alito thinks we're all chumps.

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