SocraticGadfly: Texas Progressives: Bits and pieces

August 03, 2021

Texas Progressives: Bits and pieces

Kel Seliger, one of the few Texas Senate Republicans not a Danny Goeb, or Strangeabbott, toady, says that (as it looks like this issue could put the state in a pickle) that Abbott's veto of the legislature's budget is a reason he should be stripped of line-item veto power. Seliger has filed a bill to that end. It of course can't be considered this session cuz — A. There's no House; B. It's not on Abbott's "call." (I think that that includes no constitutional amendment bills, which is what this would be). 

Californians, both individuals working remotely and companies planning moves with senior execs on the scout, are inflating the housing market in the Metromess as well as Austin. The luxury sellers pandering to them are even worse, and are part of why Texas has one of the highest rates of income disparity of any state in the nation.

Vinegaroons have been stirred up by an usually rainy early summer. Big Bend National Park stirred up public fear when posting about that.

RIP Dusty Hill, and yes, that IS the end of ZZ Top, IMO, too.  D Mag also weighs in. Rolling Stone has the big obit. Jesus Just Left Chicago, and Dusty left Tejas:

The problems continue at Collin College.

Getting the kiss of Trump may have been the kiss of death for Susan Wright. Funny part is on special election day, a campaign worker checking polling places telling her staff that her pre-election poll numbers are invalid "because they're all wearing masks." It's a sad commentary on TrumpTrain Republicans in general and her campaign in particular. Of course, for 2022, this may be the kiss of death for Gilberto Hinojosa and the Texas Democratic Party; in a regular election, Elizey will be a tougher opponent than Wright.

SocraticGadfly, with an official court forfeiture order last week, talks anew about his personal connection to Hobby Lobby's Museum of the Bible.

Both Democrats and Republicans hate average Americans, especially if poor, unhealthy or of color. And, of course, Dems' hatred really traces back to Slick Willie, 1996. That said, it's at state as well as federal governmental levels. Look at the neoliberals who run the government in California as Dems.

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