SocraticGadfly: Fellating Glenn Greenwald and the big picture of red/green-black alliances

August 05, 2021

Fellating Glenn Greenwald and the big picture of red/green-black alliances

I blogged a few weeks ago about how I think many alleged leftists confuse leftism and civil libertarianism in claiming Glenn Greenwald is a leftist.

That said, I think some Greens, and some Socialist types whether identifying as Green or not, don't even care totally about his political stances; they're ready to ally with him.

Glennwald walks, talks and quacks like a small-l libertarian. I've not seen him regularly tout the Libertarian Party so I can't give him the big L. But, he's a libertarian, despite his denials.

Some Greens and pinkish-Reds would probably be OK with allying with the likes of him anyway. The Green Party is, in fact, infiltrated with libertarians who hate eco-socialism. That alone should warn off actual socialists against allying with Glennwald. )Well, technically, if you're working on "alternate" state Green Parties, you may not currently be infiltrating, unless you try to foist yourself off at a national convention.

This is just a page in a different chapter of the same playbook, though, that the likes of Caitlin Johnstone promoted in the past with a red-brown alliance, to find commonalities with the new Right.


As I said in the first of two long posts about the dustup between the Georgia Green Party and the Green Party of the U.S.'s Lavender Caucus, with GaGPers and friends being willing to take the support of Swanson Tucker Carlson and apparent antisemitism folks, sometimes the enemy of my enemy is not my friend. Sometimes, they're not even a temporary ally of convenience. Sometimes they remain an enemy in the big picture of things, just on different things than the enemy immediately at hand.

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