SocraticGadfly: "Introducing," and spoofing and skewering, Mark Robinson; and Clarence Thomas; and Glenn Greenwald; and Ashley Madison; among others

September 20, 2024

"Introducing," and spoofing and skewering, Mark Robinson; and Clarence Thomas; and Glenn Greenwald; and Ashley Madison; among others

North Carolina's Republican gubernatorial candidate had already made himself easily, easily spoofable, but per CNN digging up a whole new set of trash from his past, he's done a bigly, MAGA-sized shark jumping. As in, a whole school of sharks.

But, rather than just share his comments in response to the CNN piece on Twitter, I thought they needed quot-tweets, that included involving the other names.




For background on Blue Glenn, go here. (You'll also see the King James Version claims of how he met David Miranda debunked.)



See here for the Ashley Madison if you were asleep at the switch yesterday.



There you go.

Well, no, because I realized that Simon and Garfunkel had covered this:

THERE you go.

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