SocraticGadfly: Presidential news roundup May 16 — #ChickenshitJoe and more

May 16, 2024

Presidential news roundup May 16 — #ChickenshitJoe and more

Add #ChickenshitJoe to #GenocideJoe. Afraid that Chicago 2024 will be a repeat of Chicago 1968, he and other Democratic Party leaders are trying to move online as much of the convention as they can. As Ken Klippenstein snarkily said in a Substack note: "Democracy is on the ballot." Add in that the city of Chicago is extending the idea developed under Shrub Bush and vastly expanded by Dear Leader, of "kettling" protestors away from the president and now wanting to make that THREE miles away, along with already denying permits to some protest groups.

What's "interesting" is, per the first link, Team Biden is trying to blame Brandon Johnson being a rookie mayor in Chicago for their thoughts and possible decisions when Johnson's already out there doing everything Biden might want. But, Johnson can't control protestors who march without permits, as happened in 1968.

It's also noteworthy that, at that first link, Politico itself is willing to throw Johnson under the bus, near the end of the piece. But, that's within context of overall Illinois politics; the author says there is no Democratic "machine" in Illinois any more — and seems saddened by that.

Speaking of, where's Dear Leader?


Pro-choice activists trying to restore or expand abortion rights in various states don't want national Democrats, or statewide Dem political candidates, either, trying to bird-dog on their efforts, noting that such work in the past has involved independent and Republican voter support.


Bob Jr. has submitted more than double the minimum number of signatures to qualify for the ballot here in Tex-ass. Kuff may be forced to write something about him. It's a big, big deal. I can't remember when an independent candidate last qualified for a statewide race here in Texas. That said, I do wonder if any of Bob's signature gatherers gaslighted people like they did in New York.


SoS Tony Blinken is a liar on Israel-Gaza and a crack-smoker on Ukraine. That said, per a commenter on Ken's site calling this a press release, not a leak? It is a leak, but one of those types of leaks that in reality walks, talks and quacks like a press release. Probably from SoS staff two levels below Blinken, is the leaker. Anyway, the crack-smoking, like the lying, is at the behest of his boss.


Nikki Haley continues to give Trump the cold shoulder. I suspect she may never endorse him. 


Bernie Sanders is sheepdogging again.


Just when you think he has brains, Mittens Romney proves me wrong, this time saying that Biden should have pardoned Trump.

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