SocraticGadfly: High Country News goes weak on environmentalism

May 14, 2024

High Country News goes weak on environmentalism

Contra this piece

It's not "just me" if somebody throws a banana peel in the forest. Bananas aren't native in most places, first. Second, fruit peels in general don't decay in the open as fast as most people think.

As for playing music outdoors while hiking? Oh my fucking god, that's noise pollution.


Johnny Thompson head-fakes that he's going to oppose alfalfa on the Colorado River, then shows his reality. Shock me. Here's the reality, written by me just after Thompson's piece, just over a month ago. To put it another way? Thompson needs to read Lyle Lewis' "Racing to Extinction." Amazon reviews here.

Of course, elsewhere, Johnny fellates Biden. Counting reversals of Trump actions on public lands, which went beyond Shrub Bush's, is not really fair. And, that was just a year after saying Biden had a "mixed record." Which is it?

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