SocraticGadfly: Texas Progressives talk climate, races, books, more

January 31, 2024

Texas Progressives talk climate, races, books, more

SocraticGadfly says that, contra Ryan Burge, the climate change minimizer/denier "gap" is ultimately religious-irreligious, not political as even Burge's own data show. 

Off the Kuff interviewed Rep. Lizzie Fletcher as well as Congressional candidates Amanda Edwards and Pervez Agwan

Biden has invited Kate Cox to speak at the State of the Union. No US relative of one of the more than 25,000 dead Palestinians has been invited, of course. 

Speaking of? Biden's war has indeed expanded, with three US troops killed in Jordan.

New Texas law says you can vote anywhere in large counties with countywide voting. Meeting the vote machine demand for that will likely fall short.

Scofflaw Aqua Texas continues to overpump the Trinity Aquifer in Hays County. Question: How many of its customers are semi-native Texas Republicans, semi-native Texas Dems, and how many are Californicators? (Hays County as a whole went approximately 55-45 for Biden in the 2020 presidential election.)

The Fifth Circuit (not a total shock to those of us who know its stance in general on First Amendment issues) upholds a federal district court ruling that Texas' school book semi-ban law is unconstitutional.

Those funny TxDOT highway message signs to buckle up and such, like the one I see north of Denton every Red River Shootout weekend? No evidence they work and the feds suggest states ditch them.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project said Houston Republican Councilman Julian Ramirez quotes Martin Luther King but is silent of leaders of his party calling for the shooting of migrants or for the nullification of federal power at the border.

The Current reports on the Butthole Surfers' vinyl reissues.

The TSTA Blog points a finger at political failure as the cause of student underperformance.

Jef Rouner applauds HISD for rejecting chaplains as school counselors.

Finally, the TPA congratulates the employees of the Texas Tribune and San Antonio Report for their successful unionizing activities. (Houston Landing employees, wyd?)

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