SocraticGadfly: Chutzpah watch: WaMu suing FDIC

March 21, 2009

Chutzpah watch: WaMu suing FDIC

Boy, the megabanks STILL “just don’t get it” just refuse to get it.

Washington Mutual is suing the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for a cool $13 billion it claims the agency caused it to lose in banking operations.

The FDIC turned down a number of WaMu claims allowances for lack of specificity.

To which, in the lawsuit, WaMu is, in essence, saying, “Trust us!”

But, there’s this tidbit further down the story, indicating WaMu must not follow news on a daily basis.

In the midst of outrage over AIG bonuses, etc., WaMu is seeking a jury trial.

Uhh, yeah, good luck with that.

Good luck with a judge this side of Nepal finding a jury that’s “untainted” by financial meltdown news.

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