SocraticGadfly: It’s time to tax healthcare benefits

March 15, 2009

It’s time to tax healthcare benefits

It’s the only reasonable way, financially, to get us moving down the road toward national healthcare. We need to tax, at least in part, employer-provided healthcare benefits.

That said, President Obama is going to need to eat his campaign words against John McCain and personally back this issue.

As for Republicans who oppose it just because they oppose a larger government role in healthcare? You don’t count.

Republicans with more principled concerns? You can talk, but it has to be in the name of bipartisanship, and not obstructionism under a new name.

Traditional manufacturing unions? You’ve been opposing national healthcare for more than 50 years. You don’t count any more than winger Republicans.

Modern service-sector unions? You DO count. Your activist mobilization of member voices will be huge.

Within that sector, Service Employees International Union is going to have to step up to the plate and not engage in another round of Andy Stern’s corporate suck-up-it is.

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