SocraticGadfly: Can't we have better independent and third-party campaign coverage?

October 03, 2024

Can't we have better independent and third-party campaign coverage?

The two best blog-type sites out there that I am aware of are Bill Redpath and Richard Winger's Ballot Access News, and Independent Political Report.

Neither has comment moderation. Neither uses IP addresses or other things to block anybody, AFAIK.

BAN has long been run over by troll-type commenters who aren't even funny.

IPR has this "Nuña," about whom I've commented before, who's now more and more at BAN. He's some type of alt-right, alt-white paleoconservative, and a proven liar (and an Islamophobe with that). And, he's made what I consider a veiled threat. And, I've told Jordan at IPR about it. It has been hauled down, and they're going to look at their bigger policy issues.

I've seen this rodeo before at places like High Country News, which semi-caved to the wingers on their website, but then eventually turned off comments there, but still allows them on their Facebook page.

Look at Mondoweiss. It has a formal username policy, and it will ban you by IP if you break any of its rules.

OTOH, this shows that, despite many ardent third party protestors that "many people agree with us," uh, no they don't. Sadly, definitely not so on the left.

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