SocraticGadfly: Texas Progressives — toll tags, TPWD lies, gunz, more

August 24, 2023

Texas Progressives — toll tags, TPWD lies, gunz, more

Texas toll road billing is full of shit and the Lege took a pass on actually reforming it. Going beyond the first driver in the story, I NEVER HAVE driven a Tex-ass toll road, but this does double down on my resolve to continue that.

If you're in a rural or semi-rural county (mine is under the 55K cutoff) expect more weekend convenience for early voting — if there are poll workers enough. Won't be bad this year, but 2024?

Tex-ass Christofascists plus Kyle Rittenhouse equals guaranteed hot mess. It does remove the last torn bits of the mask of Rittenhouse being "apolitical."

Off the Kuff is back on the Paxton impeachment beat as more revelations keep on coming. 

SocraticGadfly talks about TPWD lies and laziness over the now former Fairfield Lake State Park.

Houstonians? Whether Dems, or Greens jumping in? If you're in the 7th Congressional District, a must-vote is to be in the Dem primary next spring and pull the lever for Pervez Agwan. Per Mondoweiss, he has openly called Israel an "apartheid state." He works in renewable energy. He backs M4A.

Bill Cassidy, one of seven Republican senators who voted to convict Trump at his second impeachment, thinks the Jack Smith documents indictments are "almost a slam dunk" and he should drop out. He DID in a semi-weasel way say "I'm going to vote for a Republican," but he can always do a write-in.

Sadly, on a per-capita basis, more New Mexicans than Texans own guns.

With climate change, it should be noted that seasonal affective disorder is more than sunlight-deprived winter depression. The Observer notes the effects of isolation in the heat.

Mike Miles: The Musical didn't play well.

Nino Scalia and "Is fish meat?"

Dos Centavos is not happy with Houston's post-COVIDing as positivity and hospitalizations continue to rise. (Yes, but nationally, and I assume in Houston, they're not rising that much.)

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project attended the Houston Climate Movement Houston At-Large Council forum, and asked what if there is no bipartisan partner on climate change? Maybe the most pragmatic course is to prepare for conflict. 

The Eyewall provides a look ahead at the peak of hurricane season. 

 The Dallas Observer reports on how school districts are handling the new law requiring armed guards at public schools.  

Law Dork has an update on the forced "religious liberty" training that had been imposed on Southwest Airlines.  

Your Local Epidemiologist presents a guide to fall vaccine options. 

Want to get paid to suck Fuck You the Beaver's nuts? You can. Why?

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