SocraticGadfly: Timothy Egan's man crush on Obama

November 04, 2010

Timothy Egan's man crush on Obama

Dude, Obama did NOT reform capitalism, despite your claims.

Egan's specifics of his man crush:
The three signature accomplishments of his first two years — a health care law that will make life easier for millions of people, financial reform that attempts to level the playing field with Wall Street, and the $814 billion stimulus package — have all been recast as big government blunders, rejected by the emerging majority
The health care law won't provide universal coverage, or that near it, does nothing to regulate health insurance companies and will probably lead to more companies dropping coverage of children rather than extending it to age 26, among other things. Many of its provisions, just like the GOP did in the days of Newt Gingrich's House majority, were written by industry insiders; its implementation is now being overseen by an industry insider.

Financial "reform" isn't. Not really. It was largely gutted by Democrats as well as Republicans - Democrats like Barney Frank and Chuck Schumer who are in thrall to Wall Street. Elizabeth Warnen could have been appointed to oversee the regulatory board, but instead, was just appointed to oversee its being set up.

The stimulus was a blunder. Beyond being too small, as Krugman and many others note, Rahm Emanuel compromised down its size before the time for compromise had come.

And, don't get me started on GM, a fourth point of Egan's. Corporate claims for how high stock will price at IPO time are inflated, and that's just "new GM." Old GM is still bankrupt and theoretically still on the government dime, if push comes to shove.

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