SocraticGadfly: The many flip sides of Twitter

July 05, 2009

The many flip sides of Twitter

I’ve already blogged, as well as having written on of my last, to date, newspaper columns, about the positives of Twitter in Iran, combined with the negatives of American solipsism in thinking you’re “doing something” by passing on Twitter messages or whatever.

But, Twitter has even worse sides.

First, there’s its threat to become a backdoor spam blaster, judging by all the porn-site type Twitter followers that want to latch on to me.

Second, there’s people who see one post of mine that agrees with their raison d’etre for blogging, Tweeting, etc., and they decide to become my followers.

Case in point? I write one post about GMO corn in Europe yesterday, Tweet the blog post, and now I have a follower who’s an anti-vaccination, anti-modern medicine conspiracy theorist.

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