SocraticGadfly: Duh! Inside DC likes forced insurance mandate

July 22, 2009

Duh! Inside DC likes forced insurance mandate

Ceci Connolly, author of the “breathless,” health insurance industry friendly blurbish story, strikes again. To be fair, she does give a paragraph to individual mandate opponents, but that’s not enough.

Those who oppose a forced buy into the unworking private system we have now are dead right. Especially with the giveaways to Big Pharma that are already part of at least some of the bills circulating in Congress. As for people worried about how the poor will afford it, let’s say subsidies aren’t enough…

Well, most of you are probably familiar with Rodney D. Young, the folks that offer one-month auto insurance policies. Don’t tell me somebody won’t think of the same on health insurance.

And, as far as insurance opt-outs that a forced mandate would address? They’re not a “cheap” opt-out by the young. More than 40 percent of people without insurance are ages 30-54.

I agree with forced mandates in the abstract, but in context of any of the current health insurance bills of reality, I’m much more iffy.

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