SocraticGadfly: Markey-Waxman climate bill clears first hurdle – of many

May 21, 2009

Markey-Waxman climate bill clears first hurdle – of many

On a 33-25 vote, basically party-line, it was voted out of the House Energy and Committee Committee. But, it’s got plenty of hurdles still, mainly bad.

First, House Ag members supposedly (and after the EPA showed ethanol wasn’t at all carbon-friendly) want to cut ethanol more slack. Yeccch. Big Ag joins Big Coal and Big Oil at the hog trough.

Second, the Senate still lurks.

Third, a good hurdle, but one that could be a derailer. Some members of House Ways and Means want a carbon tax instead of cap-and-trade. Especially since most the initial permits are being given away, not sold, and probably nothing was learned from the EU, this is a great “hurdle.” But… (see Big Coal/Oil above) this could indeed be a sticking point.

And, even before posting this, the first Gang Green-type enviro group had already hit my e-mail inbox. Surprisingly, League of Conservation Voters did NOT ask for money to “continue the fight.”

Frankly, as with healthcare, we’ll probably get something where the good is the enemy of the better. And, with pseudo-rhetorical flourishes, Just.Another.Politician.™ will sign it into law.

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