SocraticGadfly: Obama to name ‘czars czar’

April 15, 2009

Obama to name ‘czars czar’

He’s going to have to, pretty soon, to keep track of all the quasi-unconstitutional “czars” he’s already named? The latest? Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano has tabbed a “border czar” to deal with issues on the Mexican border.

Sorry, folks, it wasn’t Kinky Friedman and his “pay the Mexican generals” idea.

Unfortunately, El Kinkster is acting more and more like a real-world politician, having now formed an exploratory committee with an eye on a 2010 Texas gubernatorial re-run.

If he follows through, Kinky will target teabagger types who think Kay Bailey Hutchison is certainly a RINO, and that Rick Perry is on things like the Trans-Texas Corridor. But, anybody who claims to be any sort of progressive, and actually has a brain, will surely avoid the Kinkster like the plague next year.

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