SocraticGadfly: POIGNANCY

February 22, 2007


Poignancy is
A gentle sadness tingeing life
A gentle, tender, humble sadness
One that does not diminish joys when they come
But knows that every joy has seeds of pain
Of limitation, of human frailty,
A caressing sadness, too,
One of connection
Of oneness with this world.
And so I am poignant
Upon seeing near-bare trees
Of late fall, or
Pale, thin sunsets
In February.
Or a love grown old and cold,
Faded out of my life.
I embrace poignancy,
Knowing that my feelings, from my gentle
Sadness-tinged soul,
Are from my heart
And if I let them,
As I walk the path of growth,
They can help my healing.


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