SocraticGadfly: GOP rats will flee the sinking ship

October 28, 2005

GOP rats will flee the sinking ship

From what I’ve read, a few GOP Congressional rats are already starting to scurry away from Plamegate as fast as they can.

I’m waiting for Clintonesque comments such as:

1. “I did not have verbal intercourse with that man.”

2. “Scooter. Nope. Can’t say I know anybody by that name.”

3. “What sort of self-respecting man would call himself Scooter?”

I have no doubt that, if he thinks it will help himself out, Rove will orchestrate a Congressional and other GOPer "shunning" of Libby. Plus, given rumors of some degree of falling out between Bush and Cheney, this gives Rove the chance to get out the long knives on that issue.

Update, Oct. 31:
Just on time, here’s one of the biggest rats.
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.), a vigorous defender of the administration, said on ABC: "I think what we found out this week is that any alleged wrongdoing is really confined to a single individual. Those who were expecting an indictment, indicating a broad conspiracy to out a covert CIA agent or -- are going to be disappointed because there is no evidence to support that."

The mind boggles to think that Crony Cornyn could be on the SCOTUS short list.

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