SocraticGadfly: Xi Jinping Thought further exposed, further weakened

January 29, 2021

Xi Jinping Thought further exposed, further weakened

Chinese President Xi Jinping is actually throwing the motor into reverse on "rule of law" in the country, especially when it applies to private sector businesses.

First, contra neoliberal Democrats who are now giving at least face time in the Biden Administration to taking a new look at trade issues, and contra old-line Big Biz Republicans (aka Bushies) this shows that Trump was right. "Engagement" has done nothing to open up China. 

Trump, of course, botched how he handled China by also engaging in tariff wars with the EU and Canada at the same time as with China, rather than recruiting them as allies.

Second, contra Howie Hawkins, Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, Rainier Shea of the People's Republic of Humboldt Bay, and Aaron Maté and the rest of the allegedly outside-the-box stenos who claim that Uyghur concentration camps don't exist, this further shows that you can't trust Xi, and that guzzling Xi Jinping Thought Kool-Aid is addictive. (Don't forget that Aaron's pal Max Blumenthal even writes for Chinese equivalents of RT, even as people like them like to talk about the likes of Voice of America as propaganda.

Fortunately, such addicts are becoming a smaller and smaller part of the voice of the Western world in general. As of late last year, Xi's global approval rating was almost as low as Trump's.

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