SocraticGadfly: Deborah Birx has plenty of coronavirus blood on her hands

July 20, 2020

Deborah Birx has plenty of coronavirus blood on her hands

Deborah Birx, primarily for political grifting in general, but maybe she's a COVID minimalizer, too, is behind the Trump Administration move to cut the CDC out of the loop of hospital COVID stats. Making Trump's decision, and Birx's support of it, yet worse, is
A. The new system is no more advanced than the old one;
B. The new system is run by a private contractor, and we know what that means with the Trump Grifting Train in general and the Trump Grafting Train on coronavirus in particular.

Toady Birx actually IS a COVID minimizer, as she rubbed her belly in shades of Murray Wiedenbaum and spit out rosy scenarios for Trump early on, becoming one of his biggest enablers.

This is nothing new, though. Remember that Birx has run interference for Trump after press conferences, especially running interference for him after he falsely claimed he was being sarcastic about internal heat and light. Part of that running interference was attacks on the media, in a way that sounded very Trumpian.

Don't forget that she's also attended one of Trump's political events. Watch out for the possibility of her attending more events. Note also that she never publicly objected, nor has, per DC rumors, made comment objecting to being called "Deborah" rather than "Dr. Birx" by Trump. Watch for Trump to boost her even more, and possibly at the expense not only of Toady Fauci (who has nothing to lose, IMO by challenging Trump more directly), but also Fauci's boss, NIH head Francis Collins, who says "We're certainly not winning the battle."

She is more and more to be seen as less and less trustworthy.  The fact that her Twitter account is "protected" also raises my antennae.

Speaking of Fauci? I suggested last week that he might be better off, for his scientific integrity and other reasons, just resigning if need be. I'm not alone on that, it now appears.

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