SocraticGadfly: 'Occupy' heckles Obama

November 22, 2011

'Occupy' heckles Obama

GREAT. I love it; take a look.

Now, that said, the reality is that OWS needs to move beyond this to look for people to back, as well as heckle, including looking outside the current two-party system.


Sheldon said...

Well I was hoping for a better disruption than that, and then all the sheeple came back with Obama chants. Oh well., sick of his saying his points blowing smoke up peoples ass.

By the way, the latest Henwood behind the News with Fox-Piven makes some good point about OWS, and here response to criticism, is "what movement have you started lately", and well, she has a point.

Sheldon said...

oops, link to the link

Gadfly said...

I had read the first part of his podcast, in text version, on his website. I don't think he's saying corporate personhood isn't problematic, but that it's not the most serious focus. I mean, before Citizens' United, rich individuals found a way to filter donations through employeees.

Gadfly said...

Oh, and are you the Sheldon to post on Henwood's FB page, or is that another?

Gadfly said...

I agree with her "what did you do before" comments in part. The reality is that U.S. trade unions were always somewhat bourgeoise, and had become totally so by the middle 60s. The AFL-CIO cooperated with the CIA to establish fake trade unions in Latin America. Its "hardhats" physically fought with anti-Vietnam protestors. It's leaders were certainly not in the forefront of the civil rights movement. It opposed Truman's national healthcare push because it feared that would undercut a union recruiting chip.

There are a few exceptions from the past, such as the various longshoremen's unions, but, by and large, unions never TRIED to accomplish anything radical. The civil rights movement? King was working on that at his assassination; after that, per T.S. Eliot, the center would not hold.

Sheldon said...

Yes, that is me on Henwood's page.

As for unions, I would like to see a reinstatement of a more IWW type of labor movement if possible.

Gadfly said...

Agreed on unions. You'll notice I just mentioned AFL-CIO unions as "bourgeouis." IWW, Longshoremen, Debs' original raiway union, were all better.